Saturday, September 5, 2009


So, I'm starting my own blog because I can't stop reading other's. I promise to be funny and entertaining.... but not tonight. Tomorrow, I start fresh!
For now, I'll just give you the quick version of who the heck I am. My name is Lisa, I live in central Louisiana. My husband is Dave and we have a three year old daughter, Kylie. That child is crazy, so she will be wonderful blog material.
I work for child protection (so of course, no work stories from me), Dave works for a local uppity furniture store. We have a stupid, but totally loveable mutt named Tridon who outweighs Kylie by about 45 lbs. and knocks her over on a regular basis. She gets mad and threatens to put him in time out.
And that's pretty much it!


  1. Welcome to the blog world! Found you through Thrifty Decor Chick and thought I would leave you your first blog comment.
