Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Creativity Time!

I just signed up for the Challenge on Somewhat Simple! Each Sunday, she posts a crafty challenge for the week. I'm going to start this Sunday - I'm so excited!
I absolutely love this blog! Go check it out:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pictures from last weekend!

She's had a camera shoved in her face so often since birth, she's an old pro! That fake picture smile!

It was Paw Paw's birthday, the big 6 2! He loves his girls.

My arm did not used to "curve" like that... I'm getting old!

These girls are working hard cooking!

Even eating, she's been trained so well! She can give me that "picture grin".

Friday, September 25, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

We had a wonderful weekend! Kylie wasn't feeling well on Saturday, but on Sunday she was fine - till the drive home!
This week has been so busy, I kept Kylie at home on Monday since she made her throat sore screaming the ENTIRE WAY HOME on Sunday. That girl loves her some Me Maw. I was not feeling so great myself.
Then I had a root canal yesterday - good times!
Of course, my supervisors don't care when I miss work, they pile it on even when I'm not here! Monday I was out. Tuesday I was able to do some work after court that morning, Wednesday I was in training all day, yesterday I was out, and today I'm on intake (answering phones) so I have to stay in all day. And I was given 4 new cases this week to go out on! When exactly am I supposed to do that? Hmmm? Anybody?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sending my love down to Baton Rouge!

I'm going home tomorrow for my daddy's sixty-something-th birthday! I really wish I hadn't told Kylie yet. All I heard today was "mama, I'm ready to go. Let's go now!". Ugh!
And, of course, nothing ever goes to plan. Kylie got sick today. We got a call from the daycare about 10, saying she had a fever of 102.5 F. Dave took her to the doctor; she's got a virus.
We're still going to B.R., but we had to change some plans. No seeing my friend with a new baby. The doctor said she's not very contagious if she doesn't have a fever, so it depends on how she feels tomorrow if she gets to play with her cousins.
It will break her heart if she don't go. We just might have to do nothing but hang out at my mother's, though. She certainly doesn't act sick. No coughing, sneezing, etc.
Pray for my baby, please.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Okay, I didn't want to leave that last post up, just in case someone actually reads this thing....
New Story:
So, I've been really busy this week (my excuse for maybe totally forgetting I started a blog last week) and I've been getting home late. Dave has been picking Kylie up from daycare. Tuesday night, I got home about 8:30. Was my 3 year old ready for bed? Of course, not!
She was on the floor, in her bathing suit, pretending she was swimming!
But! She was happy, I was tired, and I'm picking my battles... ;-)

P.S. I promise there will be other stuff on this blog besides Kylie stories...


Oops, I'm slacking already... this isn't good!

Okay, I could tell y'all this... (don't read if you are not a parent, b/c then it's just gross!)

Last night, Kylie and I were playing with blocks. She stopped and started pushing on her butt. I asked what she was doing.... "I'm trying to push the poo-poo back in!"
I laughed so hard! Okay, that was probably nasty for every one else, but parents that are in the middle of potty training will at least give me half a chuckle!
Of course, I rushed her straight to the bathroom and explained exactly why that would not work.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

When in doubt, post a picture, right? ;-)


So, I'm starting my own blog because I can't stop reading other's. I promise to be funny and entertaining.... but not tonight. Tomorrow, I start fresh!
For now, I'll just give you the quick version of who the heck I am. My name is Lisa, I live in central Louisiana. My husband is Dave and we have a three year old daughter, Kylie. That child is crazy, so she will be wonderful blog material.
I work for child protection (so of course, no work stories from me), Dave works for a local uppity furniture store. We have a stupid, but totally loveable mutt named Tridon who outweighs Kylie by about 45 lbs. and knocks her over on a regular basis. She gets mad and threatens to put him in time out.
And that's pretty much it!