Hey, it's been awhile, huh? Life is just so crazy! This weekend, we are looking forward to a playdate. When I had Kylie, I searched for playgroups in the area. I only found SAHM playgroups and playgroups for older kids. Kylie is very tiny and I am a first time mother (overprotective and nervous about everything), so I wasn't about to join.
Instead, I made my own for 2006 babies only! I put it on Cafemom and people joined! It was wonderful at first.... then people stopped coming. But all that is going to change this weekend! Seven people are saying they are coming!! That is more than we've had in a long, long time. I am so excited! We are going to the zoo.
There is a arts and crafts fair that day too. I hope to go for a little while before we go to the zoo. Yeah, let's see how that works out! I can hear it now - "Mama, this isn't the zoo! Nooooooo!". We'll see! ;-)
It's finally fall in Louisiana! I'm baking pumpkin bread this weekend. It's time!
UPDATE: My Maw Maw is doing well. They will hopefully be moving her to the nursing home on Monday. Keep praying!